Regenerating Leeks


Save your leek end cuts from the compost and regenerate your own!


We LOVE leeks and tried growing them from seeds in our veggie garden last year.

Unfortunately, Very few leeks grew and the stalks were small and thin. We left them in over the winter and they seemed stronger in the spring! 

We read you can regrow leeks by putting the cut ends in water and decided to try it!


Place the root ends into a dish with enough water to cover the roots.


This is only after three days - see the regrowth?

LEEKS 3 weeks.jpg

After three weeks!

Now to transplant into some dirt!


Before planting the leeks in the garden we let them grow in little pots in our “Wee Greenhouse”


Our “Wee Greenhouse”! Blog on this little project coming soon!

See all the happy cut-offs regrowing at the front? From left to right we have Bok Choy, celery, and of course, leeks.


Leeks planted in our garden!

The three stalks at the back are the leeks from seeds that we planted last summer.

The three little stalks at the front are the “experiments” we grew ourselves!


Now we can keep our leek soup obsession going strong from our own backyard!

* we tried this recently with the base of a bok choy, after two days sitting in water in the sun it is sprouting!


The Wee Greenhouse Project


DIY Shed de Garbage - A Useful COVID - 19 Project!